It’s Thankful Thursday for me today. I’m off on Thursdays and I really needed the time to take care of some bills/chores/shopping etc.

I’ve been updating my day on Facebook so here’s how today’s been going so far…

thankful thursday, 6 miles, frozen mango shin splint therapy

thankful thursday, 6 miles, frozen mango shin splint therapy

So after i ate the nectarine in the car driving home while icing my shin with the frozen mangos I ate a Banana Baby. Have you had one? OHHHH EMMMM GEEEEEE!!!!! So delicious


130 calories of frozen chocolatey deliciousness

The weather is fabulous again today! We even had the window open this morning to enjoy the breeze…

happy doodle

happy doodle

Well I’m off to take the doodle for a nice 2 mile walk with my friend and her two French Mastiffs (Turner and Hooch dogs =).

Question: What is your favorite type of frozen fruit? I love mangos and cherries best frozen.


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