So it’s August 27th. My blog back end has been a mess and i’ve been unable to post until today. So I’m going to be posting a bunch to catch y’all up.
Here goes….starting with August 20th
How is your week going? I’ve been so very busy. Sunday I did a nice shake out recovery 3 miler. I really wanted to go by how I felt and not by what the watch said so I taped the face of the watch.
I focused on keeping an easier steady relaxed pace. I’m getting closer to the 5 consecutive half marathons and my plan is to go slow and steady so this was a great way to really tune in to my body. I’m happy to report I predicted my pace would hover around 11:30 min per mile and guess what? It was exactly that! I really do know my pace. Woot woot!
After the run I headed to another birthday party and then went straight to my brothers house for a family get together. And that’s where this happened:
Calm down, they both weren’t for me….my niece joined in on the action. It was delish!
Needless to say my house went uncleaned and I didn’t prepare at all for the week. But never fear. My sister in law gave me leftover Chinese to take to work for lunch and homemade waffles that we secretly call crack waffles because they are so addictive. They make the best pre and post run fuel
As a matter of fact today after I managed to run another 3 somehow although I swear I felt like I was still asleep I had one.
Oh and speaking of addictive sweets, yesterday my boss and I tried out a new place called Pie Face. I fit right in
Question: Do you tend to crave sweeter foods in the morning or savory? I’m a sweets girl through and through. All day—every day!
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