After the Staten Island Half last Sunday I had 2 sore spots that bothered me for a few days after. My left hamstring—all the way up the back of my thigh toward my a$$ (what I call the “THASS”)  and my right achilles was also a little tight. I couldn’t really walk normally until Wednesday so running wasn’t even on my radar until yesterday. The weather was phenomenal and I also had the entire day all to myself with no obligations whatsoever (just a little freelance work to complete) and I figured I would give it a whirl.

Dear feet: Let's see if we're ready.

Dear feet: Let’s see if we’re ready.

I giggled at first when I realized how heavy my legs were. But after a mile I felt ok…..until I didn’t. Those 2 sore spots started to bother me around mile 2 and just after I reached 3 miles I decided to just walk home. No sense in really injuring myself.

Home from 3 miles of running and an additional mile walking home.

Home from 3 miles of running and an additional mile walking home.

So now I will spend the rest of the year focusing on foam rolling and strength training (seriously, really I mean it this time….i think) to start my next training cycle healthy!



In the meantime I spent a whole lot of quality time with Duncan all week and weekend.

I love this dog!

I love this dog!

every single workday looks something like this

every single workday looks something like this

Really? I can't even pee without company. My fault for not shutting the door i suppose.

Really? I can’t even pee without company. My fault for not shutting the door i suppose.

Gorgeous day.....sun roof open....doggie kisses in the parking lot

Gorgeous day…..sun roof open….doggie kisses in the parking lot

Saturday morning walk

Saturday morning walk


So excited to sniff in a different park

So excited to sniff in a different park

Dude knows how to relax in the car

Dude knows how to relax in the car

The look I got while trying to eat my dinner

The look I got while trying to eat my dinner

Saturday night couch surfing

Saturday night couch surfing

And in a few hours I’m headed to New Jersey to go pumpkin picking with Mr. SOTSS and his family. We take our picking seriously which is why apple picking had its own day a few weeks ago.

img_6551Today is JUST for pumpkins 🙂 Oh and I found this online. I’m totally doing this to my pumpkin….


Just keep swimming!!!!!

How many days do you take off from running after a race?

Do you decorate pumpkins for Halloween? Paint them or cut them like a Jack-o-Lantern?

Any October traditions?

Hi there.

I’m currently foam rolling and figured I’d entertain Duncan at the same time.

foam roller

it’s a foam roller….it’s a tree trunk.

But it seems he’d rather just lounge…

you do you...I'll do me.

you do you…I’ll do me.

Maybe that’s because I took him out to the park super early this morning before work and tired him out. I woke up before the alarm and while I thought about running, I decided to spend a little extra time with him. I’m totally wrapped around his paw.





early morning sun is so pleasing

early morning sun is so pleasing

But I promised myself I’d get in a run after work. The sun doesn’t set until 7:30ish these days and the weather today was perfection—68 degrees and sunny. And boy did I need this run! I had a tense day at the office. Oh, I wish I took pictures but my hands were full so you’ll just have to picture the scenario. On my lunch break, I walked downtown (about 15 city blocks) to the craft store to buy some supplies for a decoupage craft project i’m planning to do with Mr. SOTSS’ daughters this weekend. I bought a few pads of scrapbook paper in pretty patterns and colors, a huge jar of decoupage glue, paint brushes and shoe boxes to decorate. The cashier put everything in one big plastic bag but apparently with the whole world going “green” this was pretty inadequate plastic. Not 2 blocks away and the bag ripped and there were paint brushes falling out the bottom and pads of paper falling out the sides. Mind you that my shoulder is still quite compromised. I made it a few more blocks carrying the bag from the bottom and finally went into a drug store to ask for a shopping bag. I arrived back to the office sweating like mad and my shoulder was screaming! Luckily getting the supplies home went much more smoothly. Now to brush up on my decoupage skills. No wrinkles! No air bubbles! No Whammies!

I got home at 6:15 tonight—took the doodle out quick and by 6:45 I was on my way—first short sleeve run of the year AND first evening run of the year for the WIN!

Look I'm back just before dark!

Look I’m back just before dark!

Look! Short sleeves!

Look! Short sleeves!

watch-dusk-runTonight reminded me how much I love a good evening run. I’m going to try and make it a point to do at least one evening run a week through the spring and summer.

Tomorrow I’ve got my second PT appointment for my shoulder and Friday I’m going to Dr. W. for my knee and then this weekend I’m going to shoot for an 8-10 miler to close out my “training” for the NJ Marathon. I can’t believe it’s only 11 days away. #freakingout

Do you have a preference for time of day to exercise? What time does it get dark where you live?