Hi there.
I don’t have much to share as of late and I’m really sorry.
I went to yoga 3 times this past week and took no pictures #blogfail. I had a bit of a cold all week and my balance was off so I found it really challenging to get through a lot of the poses. I took a few slow walks around my neighborhood during the week as well and also got through my Wednesday night hike but the toe is still being a punk. I can walk fine for about 1/2 mile and then I start limping or just changing my gait enough to not roll off the toe. Geez..I feel like all I do is share updates about not being able to roll off the toe. #brokenrecord
The exciting news is that I finally got a haircut!
It had been 7 months since my last haircut so I was WAAAYYYY overdue. And Denise, my haircutting goddess also did a fabulous blowout job and I managed to get a couple of days out of it.
As a naturally curly haired girl I don’t often get the chance to run my fingers through my hair so I enjoyed that for sure.
And then by Friday I was back to curly girl
Oh and Chester came to hang with me for a day last week when Mr. SOTSS had to go into the office.And I may or may not have taken between 20 and 30 selfies with Duncan
So since my life has been fairly uneventful why don’t you tell me what’s going on with you? Anything exciting?
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