Hi folks.

I’ve been staying at a friend’s house for the weekend keeping an eye on things…

Bailey and my Duncan being a naughty doodle

Bailey and my Duncan being a naughty doodle







Mostly furry things…a cat and 3 dogs plus Duncan is here with me which makes it 4 dogs and I can’t leave out Fishy Fish Fish who isn’t furry (and thankfully still alive).

Fishy Fish Fish

Fishy Fish Fish

When I arrived last night I got the ball rolling with dinner. It was almost a perfect success. But the little white guy Bailey needed a little coaxing by way of fresh turkey before he’d eat his dinner. Finally task 1 was complete.


I had packed myself dinner consisting of a big salad with a couple of hard boiled eggs and fresh turkey breast (which you now know i shared with the pooches). But then I had a hankering for something sweet. So I did what anyone would do when house-sititng, right?

photo 2


I raided their cookie jar! Look, she even has a reminder sign there too about eating cookies! Don’t worry, I’m not in trouble. Funny thing was my friend didn’t even know she HAD cookies in her cookie jar. LOL!

This morning, after feeding Fishy Fish Fish (named by a 3 year old) and the dogs I went out for a bike ride.

another beach ride

another beach ride

I reached my highest mileage to date and it was my fastest too. RunKeeper congratulated me!

photo 1

When I first got injured and started biking, my goal was to get to 30 miles. I still want to hit 30 and hopefully 30+ but i’m officially back to running on Tuesday and I’ll need to focus on getting some long slow runs in before the SF Marathon but I’m still keeping that goal out there for me to reach soon enough. And trust me, this is all good! I’m so happy to be getting ready to return to running but still WANTING to bike long. YAY for expanding my Sweat Out the Small Stuff repertoire.

So now i’m blogging while Duncan supervises as usual.

photo 3The other furr kids are supervising napping too.


It’s always best to nap straddling the couch

Hope you all had a lovely weekend. I’ve got a short week. Only working Monday-Wednesday. Anyone else have some days off this week for Independence Day? Do you like fireworks? 

Something happened during the process of healing this injury…a whole new perspective.

I think I’ve embraced the journey a bit more this time around. Last time I hurt myself I didn’t seek medical care right away. For 6 months I tried to run through the pain and when I couldn’t I’d skip a week of training. This time I sought treatment right away (and if it wasn’t for the whole medical insurance referral mishap i’d have probably been treated even sooner). I listened to the docs advice initially and refrained from running for 3 solid weeks which is an eternity for me. And then I almost listened to her when she told me to wait another 3+ weeks (only ran 2 times: the Oakley Mini 10k and the Queens 10K and ran them very slow) I’ve made a solid cross-training plan after buying my first adult bike ever, even took this opportunity to be a spectator too. I’m enjoying the physical therapy experience (although this isn’t technically a new perspective because when I went last time I enjoyed it as well) I know that they’ll work on the spots that still cause pain using massage, heat, laser, electro and ultrasound therapy. I know that for the hour or two that I am there, I am actively working on healing and getting stronger.

getting ready for my stability exercises

getting ready for my stability exercises

I’ve grown to enjoy my bike rides and yesterday I even got a new perspective of the Verrazano Bridge.

Verrazano Bridge

Verrazano Bridge from the left side instead of the right

There are 2 HUGE hills that you have to climb in order to go under the bridge and see it from the other side. I’ve been chicken to even try going up that hill with the bike and even on foot. But yesterday I felt adventurous and went for it. I put the bike in the lowest gear and tried with all my might to ride up the hill. I admit I had to walk it up a short distance but for the most part I mastered the hills. There were 3 large inclines in total.

Runkeeper even told me it was my highest elevation so far.

photo 4-1


The first half of my ride i stopped to take pictures but I finally got in my groove for the last 5. I also pedaled for 20 minutes (3.3 miles) at physical therapy just before I went on this ride.

photo 2

NYC Skyline in the distance

photo 5-1

keep those non-running smiles coming Sally!

photo 5

It’s hard to tell how long and steep this hill was to climb in the picture but trust me it was long and steep!

photo 1-1

I’m also using this time to see a new perspective when it comes to my weight. I admit there were times that I would run 20 miles and then eat with reckless abandon. And I also admit that the anxiety and fear of weight gain since the running hiatus began was fairly high at first. But I’ve settled into a reality of acceptance that I’ve put on a couple of pounds (even with the biking) and that’s ok. I know in a few weeks as I get back into running, I’ll drop a few of these extra lbs. And I’m excited to keep biking (and strength training which I’ve slowly been working on but not sharing with the class because I’m waiting for enough weeks to go by that I can say I’m being consistent) in the program to help prevent future injuries.

With this now, more grounded and centered response to my injury I’m laughing at myself for crying hysterically when I had to bail on those couple of races in May. I mentioned before that I have a friend who’s mom was just diagnosed with ALS. I was being a jerk for pouting, well past the first day anyway. (Always give yourself a solid pity party day).

I ended my day yesterday (I was off from work) with an evening stroll through some trails and along the beach with my shadow…

my shadow

my shadow

And until I get a new perspective on breakfast I’m off to go have my usual….waffle and coffee.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Tell me one time you can remember getting a whole new perspective on something. And if that’s too deep then just tell me what you had for breakfast today =)


Hello there.

This morning I took Duncan to the vet. He had a few routine shots that he was due for but the real reason was that I felt a growth on his cheek and upon inspection I thought it looked serious. Well how embarrased was I when I expressed my deepest concern to the vet thinking he’d tell me he thought it might be cancerous and he says: “Sally, it’s a wart! Your boy has a wart. He’s 5 1/2 which is basically like a 40 something year old middle aged man. He’s fine. Leave it be.” I felt like an idiot! But a very happy idiot.

It's just a wart ma!

It’s just a wart ma!

We made a quick pitstop at the pet store and stocked up on the necessities….food, cookies, bones and poop bags…and then when we cam home I fought the jungle in my garage to get the bike out for a ride.

Welcome to the Jungle. We've got fun and games.

Welcome to the Jungle. We’ve got fun and games. (and boxes and shovels and broken vacuums)

Kinda sad. I remember exactly one year ago cleaning out the garage and making it workout-friendly.



I was a little pressed for time today so I only got 6.2 miles in.




Then it was time for a little bulk shopping at Sam’s Club. I focused on all my favorite P’s.

photo 1Popcorn, Peppermint Patties and Produce!

And while we’re talking about the letter P….this was my Perfect Park…

photo 3I have no idea why I parked like that. For a minute I thought maybe the car wasn’t in park and rolled forward. But no, I just misjudged a bit. =)

Well, I’m off to go strength train a bit. Catch ya later!

So what are your favorite arm moves? Weights? Resistance bands? Kettle bells? I’m going to do some tricep dips on my stairs and some planks and push-ups and then who knows.



Ah man! With National Running Day, then National Donut Day, now I want to celebrate more!!! Let’s just celebrate that I made it in to work today 😉

It’s Monday and it’s raining and I got to bed really late (we’re talking 3am!) after going out with friends to a concert last night.

Sevendust @ the Starland Ballroom Photo @ C. Cerzosie

Sevendust @ the Starland Ballroom — Photo @ C. Cerzosie

But I had my coffee so I’ll live 🙂


Ironically it’s the travel mug I got when I “graduated” from physical therapy last time I had ankle tendonitis. I need to go back! Hoping foot doc says I can when I see her on Wednesday. I remember this stage all too well. The foot is like 80 percent better but it needs some deep massage, ultrasound treatment and strengthening now more than ever. And I hope they still give these mugs as graduation gifts because it’s the only one that never leaks on me. I’d love to get a second. 

Duncan wasn’t thrilled with this rainy Monday either.


Yesterday I got in another 8.5 miles on the bike. Apparently i was on a peaceful bike route 🙂

Bike path for peace!

Bike path for peace!

While I was riding I passed this parked car:

eyelashes on the headlights. LOL!

eyelashes on the headlights. LOL!

Yes, those are eyelashes on the headlights of this car. Hysterical!

It was a real summer day yesterday with temps in the 80s so after my bike ride I decided to wash the car. It was so dirty I was embarrassed to take it to a car wash.


Duncan was just chillin’ in the shade enjoying the mist from the hose as it floated his way.


Ah! Life IS good!

Not to mention since I didn’t get all the dead bees off from that crazy experience a couple of weeks ago I had to pull out the big guns to remove them buggers from the headlights and grill.

bugandtarWell today makes 30 days without running. I go back to the foot doc on Wednesday. I’m hoping she lets me ease back into running. I’m in the bargaining stage. Just let me run 1X per week for the next 2 weeks so I can complete the two 10Ks I’ve registered for! =)

Did you have coffee yet today? Are you a coffee drinker?

Anyone else only get 4 hours of sleep last night?

Any National Holiday that we can celebrate today?