I’m finally starting to feel human again after getting sick just two days into the year. I don’t know if it was the flu or a virus or what but it really took me down.
how most of my first 2 weeks went down. First tea with lemon and eventually back to my beloved coffee
I went hiking that night and just couldn’t keep up with my group. I felt lightheaded and tired. The next morning i was full on feverish and achy and that lasted a couple of days before the head cold and chest congestion folded into the mix. Yucko!
Let’s just say it was a lovely “extra” gift from Mr. SOTSS this holiday. He was sick first. But he did give me another gift for Christmas that was AWESOME!
He booked us a ski weekend in Vermont for that last weekend of 2018. I felt bad that he was sick but he was a trooper and we had a great time.
snowboarding and sniffles
We are both super grateful that I didn’t get sick until AFTER the trip because I am not the a trooper type when I am sick. I’m actually the biggest mope and whiner you’ve ever met when I”m sick.
All smiles waiting for the lift up for our first run of the day
Skiing always makes me feel like a big kid. Oh wait, maybe it’s the pigtails 😉
I always struggle with a post title. But I like that this one rhymes…so that’s that.
Anyhoo…yet another month has passed and here I am to fill ya in on my little life and take a few minutes to reflect.
So get this? I actually ran 2 races in the last 30 days! There was the Fall Flat 5k trail run, the weekend before Thanksgiving, that I do each year to help benefit the nonprofit organization The Greenbelt Conservancy. They’re the organizers of the night hikes I go on as well and also the Cold Feat 10k trail run held in February. It had snowed a couple of days prior to race day and then warmed up and melted leaving things quite muddy.
What?!!!! Snow?!!!! but this weekend is the FALL Flat 5k, not the Winter Flat.
muddy race course
The entire course had to be tweaked to avoid some completely impassable areas but a good chunk of it was still super slick and I walked a lot of it.
I started to notice some aching on the inside of my ankle just before the race and wasn’t about to make things worse by losing my footing. (foreshadowing….i sprained my ankle anyway shortly thereafter because that’s my life).
The ankle pain seemed to be the very beginning of posterior tibial tendonitis. But since i was only running one or two times a week for short runs it wasn’t really bad and I immediately started looking up stretches and other pt exercises. The day after the race it hurt a bit more and then one night while walking Duncan I rolled my foot on a rock that was disguised by leaves. The sprain healed within 5 days and I was feeling much better but each time I run I’m achy for a few days after so I’m going to rest up the rest of the year and try my hardest to start 2019 healthy.
The other race was just about a week ago…another race I’ve done numerous years in a row now…the Big Chill 5k….a charity run where the entry fee is an unwrapped toy $15 or more. Always leaves me speechless when I see the back wall of the Rutgers University gymnasium just filled with toys that will go to kids who might not get a single other gift.
I can’t believe we’re halfway through my favorite month—October.
Silly Snapchat filtered Sally eating a freshly picked apple.
I love the Fall here in the North East. The weather has finally come down to a temperature I can get behind. Plus, I get to wear hoodies again. And the main reason October is my favorite month is because my birthday falls on the 25th. I also love Fall traditions like apple and pumpkin picking. And that’s just what I got to do this past weekend.
Mr. SOTSS, the girls, the dogs and I all drove out to the North Fork of Long Island to visit with Mr. SOTSS’ dad and his wife and do some Octobery stuff. We tackled apple picking, pumpkin picking AND a corn maze by day and had an Octoberfest inspired dinner by night (I didn’t take a single picture of our German food #fail).
The corn maze was uber muddy because it had rained all morning
The girls carved their pumpkins when we got home.
Here are a few other notable tidbits since my previous post:
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