I miss blogging! Haven’t been here in a month so I just wanted to pop in and say hi. Hope you are all enjoying your Spring wherever you are located—I love that I have readers as far away as New Zealand!

Real simple, I’ll let you know how my month has been going in about 3 bullets.

  • I’ve been running 1 or 2 times a week. I’m slow but steady and have adjusted nicely to this new norm of decreased speed, duration and distance. It’s nice to have it back in my life consistently since being sidelined so much in 2017. As for races. They’ll be few and far between. I’ll be running the Spring Lake 5 (miler) in a couple of weeks and couldn’t be more excited for it. Hoping for decent weather.
  • I’ve been working all day e’ryday. Yup, not lying here. Upwards of 12ish hours daily.
  • And any remaining hours have been either eating, sleeping—or of course, walking Duncan. There were a few family highlights as well sprinkled throughout. Mr. SOTSS turned 45 and my niece turned 18. She had accepted admission at the University of Pittsburgh but only a week later found out she was also accepted to NYU’s (New York University) Applied Psychology program so she is switching gears and will be attending NYU instead. I’m a very proud aunt.

I’ll leave you with a few highlights of the last month in pictures. Now tell me some of YOUR highlights from the last 30 days!

Running highlights:

This past Saturday I had 59 minutes left to Deena Kastor’s book “Let Your Mind Run” and ran until the book was finished 🙂 I highly recommend the book. As a side note, I heard her on a recent podcast episode say she didn’t run for like 4 months straight while writing the book.

The trees have been blooming like crazy here. This was another easy weekend run

There was the 7 miles I ran at the beach 3 weeks ago with a few minutes of bench sitting…. (highest distance so far this year!)

And realizing my average pace was 11:11 “make a wish” pace. Do you make a wish at 11:11? I’ve been doing this since high school.

And an after-work evening random evening run.

Working highlights:

a 12 foot x 2 foot sign we created and installed recently for a new cooking school in New Jersey

A large key that I printed, applied to foam board and hand cut for a mortgage lender

Some vinyl graphics we applied to the window above this company’s entrance

And everything in between:

My niece all ready for her next chapter. Class of ’22

Can’t forget about watching Desi win the Boston Marathon in that cold/windy/rain. Amazing!

More Spring beauty on another evening stroll with the pooch

Seriously this is a highlight. I got a new toilet seat and installed it myself. 🙂

We are representing the business in comfy fashion 🙂

As seen while walking Duncan one evening. So pretty

Evidence of the coffee i spilled on Mr. SOTSS’ birthday card. Typical Sally. I spill coffee on EVERYTHING!

Mr. SOTSS making a wish on his birthday

An afternoon jaunt to Asbury Park one weekend and a fun place for a photo op.

And of course, my daily highlight.


  1. I always recognize 11:11 and say Rabbit Rabbit on the 1st of every month!

  2. Yeah for having consistent running back in your life again! Are your feet more or less pain free these days? Hope you are feeling well and running strong! I’m back to running 3-4 times a week as well, and am training for my first duathlon in July (eek!). My hip is still a little creaky at times, but so far, so good.

    Hope your new job venture is going well – love the sign you designed for the cooking school! I’ve been a little slow picking up substitute teaching jobs now that the weather is nice, but the good news is I landed a new job and start in September as an elementary school librarian. I’ve been a huge bookworm my whole life and I love working with kids so this is pretty much my dream job for now (plus it’s in the same school district where my girls go to school, so my schedule will perfectly match theirs – it doesn’t get any better than that for a working mom!).

    Anyhow, happy spring/summer – hope your return to running continues to go well!

    • Sorry for the delayed response! Yes! My feet are feeling so good these days. Sometimes in the morning they will be a little achy but usually only if i walked a whole lot or stood for long periods of time for a few days in a row. I’m going to enjoy a summer of light mileage and see if I might be able to do a super slow half marathon this fall or maybe try in the spring. But loving the fact I can just go out for a few miles whenever I want. Great news that you are back to running regularly too!
      Good luck with your librarian job. My mom was a children’s librarian.

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