Happy Wednesday…

I am officially on vacation until next Tuesday. I have lots to do around the house so it’s going to just be a STAYcation…and the timing is perfect because we’re getting a blizzard starting after midnight tonight.

Last night I received not one, not 2, but 3 packages!

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I knew that my replacement running capris would be arriving soon and I knew my sister-in-law had ordered me an Otterbox iPhone case for my new phone (foreshadowing), but the Run Like a Girl medal holder was a total surprise! We were talking about how the 2 medal holders I have were filling up and she wanted to make sure my 2014 bling would have a home. I love her!

I hit the mall this morning at 10am when they opened to go to the Apple store and finally upgrade to the new iPhone. I brought the new case like a parent would bring a car seat to bring baby home. LOL.


welcome to your new home iPhone 5S. I will love you forever two years

I used some gift cards I received over the holidays and then forked over the balance. Considering my phone is probably the most valuable thing after my dog and my running sneakers I’d say it’s worth the money because I get every penny’s worth and then some!

Next up was a pit stop to Dicks Sporting Goods for a stash of Sport Beans and HoneyStinger chews now that my long runs will be 14+ miles.

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And then to the Dr. for my follow-up and pathology results. Benign! Benign! Benign! I am so relieved.

I hit up Trader Joes for some groceries so I won’t starve tomorrow during the storm.

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note the most important item, the chocolate covered almonds!

And then I met my dear friend Doreen and her Dogues (the Turner and Hooch dogs) for a nice long walk.

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watching the bird formation. they are gettin’ the heck outta dodge before the storm

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can we stay here forever ma? i’m having so much fun.

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over here guys! i think i found a mouse

We let them off the leash to romp in the snow a bit since not a soul was around. It was great! And that’s how I started off this STAYcation..

I’ll be shoveling tomorrow for some cross training I suppose and probably will move my run to Friday…but not Friday evening. That would be pathetic. Well maybe not….spending Valentine’s day running is love for sure….

Question: What music are you loving lately? I have lots of iTunes gift cards and want to buy some new stuff while I’m snowed in. How is life with you these days? Happy? Healthy? I sure hope so

I’m always forgetting to pack something when I go to the gym or go running with friends.

There was the time I forgot a ponytail holder and my ipod shuffle/earbuds

And the time I forgot my Garmin

Well today I forgot clean socks and conditioner! Yes they have conditioner at the gym but it isn’t heavy duty enough to untangle and condition my wild curls. I had no choice so I used it today. I think the bottle’s empty now. =)

And you know what other dumb move I did? I ran so close to the emergency shut off button that i accidentally hit it with my stomach about 3 miles into my run. I’m a clumsy, forgetful…..er….happy, at least….runner!

So you’ll have to trust me when I tell you I completed a 5 mile tempo run in 47ish minutes (just under a 9:30 pace). It was perfection. It felt great. But it feels weird not to have a photo of the treadmill stats to share. #runnernerd

I did however take this one pic in the locker room so I have proof =)


As you can see in this video duncan got a good run in today too!

We’re supposed to be getting yet even more snow tomorrow night and all day Thursday so my next 6 mile run scheduled for Thursday will either be at the gym on a treadmill or possibly moved to Friday or possibly just nixed. Maybe i’ll just use my trampoline. I’ve been having a good first month of marathon training and I’ve got a 10K trail run on Saturday and a 14 mile training run on Sunday so I’m not gonna sweat one potential missed run.

Today is my Friday! I took off the rest of the week. Just trying to catch up on stuff so it’s a “staycation”…And I guess I’ll be doing lots of shoveling too. Sigh!

Question: What tips do you have to keep you from forgetting to pack needed items in your gym bag? Have you ever run a race without a key item?

Life can’t always be a bed of roses. I’ve been having some good days lately but I have some friends who are hurting. I’m no stranger to sadness. My BIG sadness happened almost 15 years ago. My husband died of cancer. (If you’ve not seen my Dicks Sporting Goods “Every Runner Has a Reason” video yet you can see how running filled a void…)

I’ve got a good friend (she’s part of my Wolf Pack!) who just passed the 6 month mark since her dad was killed. It was tragic and instantly her life was changed. She’s still gripping the fact that he’s gone. It was so sudden. I have another friend who has 2 dogs (brothers from the same litter) that are his world. It’s complicated but long story short these dogs pulled him through a sudden loss 3 years ago. Well one of these boys is now very sick. He has cancer and we’re at the point that we can only hope for a miracle. He’s only 4!

Meet Angus, the cancer patient. Please say a prayer for him.

Meet Angus, the cancer patient. Please say a prayer for him. Please!

I can relate to seeing how cancer can deteriorate lives and spirit. So yesterday when I set out for my run I knew I needed to feel it in my heart and my head as well as in my legs! I wanted to channel those endorphins and clear my head and really strengthen myself both physically and emotionally. Mission accomplished. That’s what I love about running. It doesn’t let me down. I just felt so strong and in control. I may not be able to create miracles but I can make sure I’m strong and healthy so that I can be there for my friends. Life comes full circle….always.

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some snowy and ice visuals for ya

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I wore more shades of pink and blue than a box of crayons.

This morning I slept in with this guy:

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five more minutes ma!

Then made myself a big ole’ pancake with bananas and walnuts.

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starting the day off right!

I’ve got some cleaning and other non-fun stuff to get done and then I’m headed out to my brother’s house to spend time with family.

Hope you had a great weekend. Hope you’re feeling strong. And I hope you treated yourself to something delicious for breakfast today.

Question: Who’s watching the Olympics? Favorite sport? I am so amazed at some of them Those freestyle snowboarders flipping in the air for so long. It’s insane. Awesomely insane.

I’ve noticed lately that I’ve been all lovey dovey here…

First it was the heart shaped donut that I fell for.

Then came my romance with the treadmill

And I’m always in love with my main squeeze-best friend-puppy-doodleface:

true love!

true love!

But today I bought myself some candy and flowers at Whole Foods on my lunch break (along with some dog treats for Duncan to spread the love and some other good eats for me too!

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Must be something about February..Anyway, moving on…after ordering prints, buying frames and finally painstakingly filling the frames to cover off on all my friends and family (of course I forgot to include Gina and Cindy! Sorry guys, you’ll go in the album that’s going to sit on my coffee table)…I hung them all!


before they had homes

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The black collage ones went in the hallway…

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The window pane style ones went in the corner of the living room (stacked) by my great big oversized chair

And the small frames went on shelves that I painted the same color as the wall and hung above my TV.

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I was on such a roll hanging things back up (post having the house painted) that I went up to my office and finally put back my running bling….


The office that used to be my full-time office when I worked from home. I miss spending most days in here. Sigh!


It was quite the accomplishment. This morning Duncan decided he was too short so he wanted to walk up on higher ground. I guess it was his Great Dane complex coming through…
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Hey ma! This blows! I can’t squat because my back legs keep sliding out from underneath me….

It’s been rough for him now that the snow has frozen over. He slips and slides isn’t really enjoying it like he did when it was all fluffy and powdery. For breakfast this morning I took a non-traditional approach:

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avocado, multigrain tortilla chips and an apple

While I walked to Whole Foods at lunch I passed by one of my favorite places. =) My friends used to call me Mustang as a nickname.

photo 4OK enough randomness. Have a great weekend everyone! I’ve got a 10 mile long training run to complete and while love is in the air I’m going to get cozy on the couch with my foam roller to work on some tight areas.

Question: What’s on tap for your weekend? Anyone have any big races? Family events?