Almost 9 weeks after I fell off a snowmobile I FINALLY went for my first rotator cuff PT appointment.

Reporting to PT

Reporting to PT

I’m embarrassed to say that the knee rehab took precedence because I need my knee to run and I need to run to stay sane right?! The therapist said I don’t have frozen shoulder so that’s good. He said that the pain is lingering mainly because my surrounding muscles are picking up the slack a whole lot. They are fatigued to the max! He did a full evaluation of my current range of motion and made me fill out this silly questionnaire to determine how my daily life has been limited. The scale was from 1-6…1 for no difficulty and 6 for severe difficulty.questionairre

I got a chuckle over some of the questions. #17! Card playing and knitting! LOL! And #21!!! OMG embarrasing.

He had me do some stretches and exercises for a bit and that was it for my first appointment. I’ll be going back next Thursday but in the meantime I’m going to do the stretches and exercises at home. I need to find a pulley I can hang from a door. I’m looking at a long road ahead of me for this rotator cuff rehab.

In other news I love when they plant all the pretty spring flowers in the big flower pots around Herald Square by my office.


I also got a run in today.

pseudo long run

pseudo long run

40 degrees and dreary. Come on Spring! Where are you?

40 degrees and dreary. Come on Spring! Where are you?

It was rough to find the time because I had so many deadlines for work so I had to compromise with 8.25 miles even though I wanted to hit 10ish as my long run for the week (I’m going on a little vacation this weekend and didn’t want to do a long run while I’m away). Next weekend is my last long run before the marathon!

Well, I better go pack for my trip. I’m off to see the Cherry Blossoms in DC.

What are your weekend plans?
What’s your favorite flower?

Hi! Great news to share.

First, the shoulder: Not bad…I have “regions of interstitial and articular surface partial thickness tears involving the mid to distal supraspinatus and rotator cuff tendonitis. I also have arthritis and a type 2 accordion. Sounds intense but actually it’s pretty good. Physical therapy should be all I need. YAY! findings

And for the knee: Dr. Williams (my new favorite person) said I should keep running as far as I can handle and that taking a month off actually made my knee worse. I have Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome otherwise known as Runner’s Knee. Basically there is scar tissue around the knee and a tight quad muscle that are causing knee tracking issues. By taking a whole month off of all activity I essentially ended up with tighter, stiffer muscles and more scar tissue. Doc is using the Active Release Technique (ART) on me for about 4 treatments. OUCH! Hurts so good I suppose =)He did the first one today. He said I should continue to foam roll and stretch but to do it before I run and not after. Interesting because I was always under the assumption that after was better.

foam roll diagram of knee

Foam roll between the Vastus Medialis and Rectus Femoris and between the Rectus Femoris and Vastus Lateralis

happy to run

A little ART and I’ll be as good as new

The last words Dr. Williams said to me were “keep running as much as you can tolerate and we’ll work at getting your mileage up. You should be good in about 3 or 4 treatments.” So I’ll head back for more ART on Friday. And I’m going to start back to short runs this week! Oh happy day!!!!!

Have you ever had Active Release?

Have you ever been to a chiropractor?

What exciting news can you share with me today?