Search Results for: running ornament

Yesterday morning I thought I’d work on getting the tree up. It’s not one of my favorite things at first, but after it’s up and all sparkly I am always happy I did it.


no gifts to wrap yet and put under the tree so we’re just using Duncan’s toy boxes for now

I can never just accept that no matter how much I move my furniture around, it’s always best to just leave it where it was and make the tree fit somehow. So after spending 2 hours moving furniture and getting nowhere, I started to get cranky and all Scrooge! So I dropped everything and headed out for a run.

Nothing says Scrooge more than too much pink

Nothing says Scrooge more than too much pink

I don’t think I planned on going farther than 4 miles, but I didn’t feel like waiting to cross at a traffic light so I tweaked the route a bit and next thing you know it ended up being 6.2….a 10K which I’ve decided to call the Sweat Out the Scrooge 10k. I’m sure there are a lot of people who would register for this if I made it an official event…Let’s be real….how many of you get frustrated by the holidays season in some way? Well, the run really worked because I came back feeling much more eager and happy to get back to putting up the tree. And after a few trips to and from the attic and a little prosecco the job was done!

a furry Sally's little helper to the left and bubbly Sally's little helper to the right

a furry “Sally’s little helper” to the left and bubbly “Sally’s little helper” to the right

I have to say I am sort of embarrased that I don’t have a single running or marathon related ornament on the tree. So I just ordered a couple—this one….

Marathon ornament

Marathon ornament

and this one

Happy Runner Girl

Happy Runner Girl (it’ll say Sally instead of Carol)

There are a couple of really beautiful ones on etsy but i’m hoping someone will get me one from there as a gift. 🙂 Hint Hint!

Runladylike had a post about how to use your marathon finisher’s medals as ornaments. I thought that was such a great idea that I tried it today. Success! Now my tree is blingy too.


This morning I took the dog for another romp in the woods.

photo 2

I am SO achy everywhere from all the climbing into the attic and furniture pushing so I decided just a casual walk would be enough today. We had a lot of rain recently and the little stream that we have been just jumping over was too big to do today but I saw this makeshift tree limb bridge and that’s how I got across.

photo 3

I’m now writing out holiday cards and deciding if I should go do some shopping. Probably not a good idea =)

You remember when I showed you the outside of my non-decorated home in this post? Well, I just gave it a little holiday face-lift!

photo 4

I’ve had 2 really low key weekends in a row but next weekend I FINALLY have some exciting stuff happening. I’ll be running the Ted Corbitt 15k with my running peeps on Saturday. I have run this one before. It’s usually really cold! Here’s a funny finisher’s pic of me and my friend Running on Butter after completing it in 2010. Yes those are bagels! HAHA!

Finisher's Medal Bagels

Finisher’s Medal Bagels

And Sunday I’m going to a holiday party.  I say this every year, I can’t believe how fast the year has gone by. If only we could hit the slow motion button some days. I hope you’re having a nice weekend that’s filled with holiday fun and nothing to make you go all Scrooge like me.

Question: What’s the one thing you don’t really like about the holidays? What would you do differently? I don’t like the whole crazy/frenzied feel that this time of year brings. I’d love to take it down a notch and maybe make some more low key events with friends…like perhaps a new year’s pajama party.