This morning I had to drop my Subaru at the service center for repair at 7:30am. It’s 6 miles away….ding, ding, ding….lightbulb moment….I decided to run home.
I knew well enough to take it easy since I am just getting back on track after dealing with that upper respiratory infection. But, it was a good “assignment” for me. I treated it that way anyway. I’ve been feeling a bit ambivalent about routine and commitment when it comes to health, running etc. Seriously, ask me when the last time I went grocery shopping was? The last home cooked meal I made was on Valentine’s Day and that was with Mr. SOTSS assisting. I need to work a little harder at making smart choices and setting myself up for success. So by declaring to Mr. SOTSS that I’d run home from dropping the car off I basically forced the run to happen. I texted him halfway through for a little encouragement.
And it ended up being lovely. A nice sunny brisk winter day. I’m working from home all week and how nice to have over 12,000 steps by 9am on Monday. #winning
I chose not to listen to music because I was running on roads with very little shoulder and no sidewalks so I wanted to be alert. And alert I was….I noticed this heart-shaped pot-hole.
We’re always in such a rush that we can’t always find time to admire little things like that. It’s one of my treasured joys of running.
And now I’m waiting for my friend Sue to stop by. We’re going to have a little bite to eat and catch up. Happy that I’ll have company. It can get lonely working from home.
Picking up the car later won’t be on foot though. Mr. SOTSS will give me a lift. =)
Do you ever use your running as transportation? Run to the bank? Run to work?
What are you having (or what did you have) for lunch today?
I sometimes run to my brother’s house because it’s 5+ miles away. Our lives are intertwined so much that I’ll get there and we’ll have a necessary chat to tie up loose ends about our kids’ schedules or our upcoming camping trip, etc. Usually one of my nephews will drive me home, unless i’m doing a 10 miler.
Your pothole was like the snail I saw moving across our running trail this past Saturday. I stopped to pick it up and put it on the other side before someone else came by and stepped on it. My run buddy thought I was ridiculous.
You saved a snail! That’s so sweet.
I have definitely dropped my car off for its inspection and ran/walked home. I’m not sitting around for hours!
We had leftover homemade (made by Tom) fried rice for lunch today – so good!
What a great idea to use this opportunity to get in some running! I love this idea, and if I was a runner, I would definitely be using running as transportation every now and then.