Never thought today would be the Friday I decided to coin this post title. You see, this morning I had to go in for an ambulatory surgical procedure. Let’s just say something needed to be removed because it didn’t belong. I had been anxious about this date for weeks now. Not so much because I was nervous about being in pain but I was afraid the doc would restrict my running for at least the next few days. 🙂 Just before the anesthesiologist sent me to LaLaLand, I said “So wait, can I run tomorrow? Like 6-10 miles? I’m scheduled to meet my friends and I don’t want to bail.” He smiled and said absolutely, as long as you take it easy today.” Whew!
Everything went well and I was wheeled out still a bit dopey (I actually felt drunk). My good friend knew I was starving since I couldn’t eat anything in the morning so he took me to IHOP (I was just there yesterday! No prob, I can take one for the team and eat pancakes again!)
this time I went with only 2 pancakes and added eggs and bacon =)
I was actually shocked at how good I felt so I pushed it and asked if we could go take a look in IKEA. Glad it worked out because I scored!
a cart full of goodies!
I got a new night table for my bedroom and a new bookcase for my living room. I relaxed the rest of today and slowly assembled both pieces.
Billy on the left and Hemnes on the right. My favorite part of Ikea is the names of the furniture pieces
So, yes, I feel good! It’s officially FGF!
Tomorrow as I said, I’m meeting some of my running peeps for a run in the city. They’re doing about 11ish but I figured I shouldn’t push it so I’m jumping in around mile 5. That’ll give me 6 which I think is a good compromise.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Question: Superbowl? Do you care? Not so much? Are you in a football pool? Interested in the commercials? Going anywhere? What’s the menu gonna be?
I woke up on New Year’s Day and decided I’d have Harry & David’s Moose Munch for breakfast. It just somehow felt like the right choice. I’ve got 364 more days to choose something healthier right?!
breakfast of champions…starting the year off right on my own terms.
After breakfast I waited for this guy to get up…
We stayed out late on New Year’s Eve. He and his two pals Angus and Lu went a little overboard with the champagne treats.
please give us more!
hey! it’s midnight…give us those treats!
This New Years Eve celebration is for the dogs
It was a fun night. Humans had a good time too! We put champagne in shot glasses for some reason. #champagneflutesareoverrated
So finally when the dog woke up, we went for a walk. We saw Bambi!
Then I left Duncan at home and headed to my aunt’s house for her annual New Year’s Day party. She’s 86 years old now and I didn’t want to skip out on this as I’ve done in the past (it’s mainly her friends). I got to drive a different way than usual so I took a pic of the Verrazano Bridge from a different angle than I usually do. (I have a weird affinity for the Verrazano Bridge if you didn’t know).
My aunt had lots of fresh daisies in vases on the table.
Her mom, my grandmother, Dorothy had been given the nickname “Dashing Daisy” from my grandpa. She always had a ton of energy and zipped around. I love the nickname and since I always felt closest to her as far as grandparents went I like to think I carry on her legacy….”Dashing” is nicely covered by my running, and “Daisy”….well, this is my Jeep spare tire cover…
The sweetest things that my aunt had at the party were the dessert table…
homemade italian cheesecake, homemade rum cake and a few other pastries that were delish
And this cardboard “resolutions” sign-in board…
As I said, my aunt is 86 and many of the guests were seniors. Really? One man wrote that he wanted his wife to regain her sight! I hope everyone’s wishes and dreams do come true.
This morning as I was getting ready to go for a run I realized that I couldn’t find my favorite black running hat that I wore just a few days ago…
favorite black hat
So I grabbed a substitute that I didn’t love but figured I needed to get out the door and didn’t have all day to continue the search.
black hat substitute but the same vest lol!
There’s just something about favorites—hats, capris, socks, scarves, jeans….Next time I’ll just buy 7 of each of my favorites! (PS: I found my hat….it was in the dog’s toybox and it wasn’t his fault. I was straightening up before my friend was coming over and scooped up all his toys scattered on the floor and the hat must have been on the floor too and they all ended up getting dumped in the toybox. It was funny because initially I blamed the poor dog. Then I remembered.)
I covered 4.35 miles according to my Garmin….but lately mr. watch has been locking its satellite in the wrong spot. I start at my house and finish at my house yet at looking at the maps of my last few runs, clearly it thinks i’m starting a few blocks from my house.
I have lots of benchmarks along the route. I know it’s .3 miles to get to the main road and it’s exactly 1 mile when I get to the overpass that crosses the highway. Everytime I looked at my watch at these spots they were .06 off. It’s not the end of the world. I mean what’s the difference between 4.35 or 4.41? But I do wish I can fix it. #OCDwithnumbersrunner.
As for my new Brooks Ghost sneakers…..I still am unsure how I feel. It’s only the 2nd time wearing them. They definitely don’t suck, I just was hoping to feel like I had more spring in my step. I kept a 10 min mile pace which after using this training pace calculator, seems to be what my tempo pace should be as I begin marathon training…
Speaking of marathon training, mine begins next week!!! AHHHH!! I’m so excited and nervous. I hope my goals aren’t to out there. Meanwhile I found out that I won a special VIP package so I’ll get reserved parking and “upscale fare” in the VIP tent before and after the race. Hey, that’ll be my consolation if I don’t reach my PR goal of 4:40.
OK, off to batten down the hatches….we’re expecting a blizzard here in NYC. Hope your year is off to a great start.
Question: How was your New Year’s Eve? What did you do? Anyone eat something crazier than Moose Munch for their first breakfast of 2014?
Yesterday morning I thought I’d work on getting the tree up. It’s not one of my favorite things at first, but after it’s up and all sparkly I am always happy I did it.
no gifts to wrap yet and put under the tree so we’re just using Duncan’s toy boxes for now
I can never just accept that no matter how much I move my furniture around, it’s always best to just leave it where it was and make the tree fit somehow. So after spending 2 hours moving furniture and getting nowhere, I started to get cranky and all Scrooge! So I dropped everything and headed out for a run.
Nothing says Scrooge more than too much pink
I don’t think I planned on going farther than 4 miles, but I didn’t feel like waiting to cross at a traffic light so I tweaked the route a bit and next thing you know it ended up being 6.2….a 10K which I’ve decided to call the Sweat Out the Scrooge 10k. I’m sure there are a lot of people who would register for this if I made it an official event…Let’s be real….how many of you get frustrated by the holidays season in some way? Well, the run really worked because I came back feeling much more eager and happy to get back to putting up the tree. And after a few trips to and from the attic and a little prosecco the job was done!
a furry “Sally’s little helper” to the left and bubbly “Sally’s little helper” to the right
I have to say I am sort of embarrased that I don’t have a single running or marathon related ornament on the tree. So I just ordered a couple—this one….
Happy Runner Girl (it’ll say Sally instead of Carol)
There are a couple of really beautiful ones on etsy but i’m hoping someone will get me one from there as a gift. 🙂 Hint Hint!
Runladylike had a post about how to use your marathon finisher’s medals as ornaments. I thought that was such a great idea that I tried it today. Success! Now my tree is blingy too.
This morning I took the dog for another romp in the woods.
I am SO achy everywhere from all the climbing into the attic and furniture pushing so I decided just a casual walk would be enough today. We had a lot of rain recently and the little stream that we have been just jumping over was too big to do today but I saw this makeshift tree limb bridge and that’s how I got across.
I’m now writing out holiday cards and deciding if I should go do some shopping. Probably not a good idea =)
You remember when I showed you the outside of my non-decorated home in this post? Well, I just gave it a little holiday face-lift!
I’ve had 2 really low key weekends in a row but next weekend I FINALLY have some exciting stuff happening. I’ll be running the Ted Corbitt 15k with my running peeps on Saturday. I have run this one before. It’s usually really cold! Here’s a funny finisher’s pic of me and my friend Running on Butter after completing it in 2010. Yes those are bagels! HAHA!
Finisher’s Medal Bagels
And Sunday I’m going to a holiday party. Â I say this every year, I can’t believe how fast the year has gone by. If only we could hit the slow motion button some days. I hope you’re having a nice weekend that’s filled with holiday fun and nothing to make you go all Scrooge like me.
Question: What’s the one thing you don’t really like about the holidays? What would you do differently? I don’t like the whole crazy/frenzied feel that this time of year brings. I’d love to take it down a notch and maybe make some more low key events with friends…like perhaps a new year’s pajama party.Â
Sparkle: Friday evening I attended the Louie’s Legacy Blue Gala. It’s a fundraising event for a local animal rescue. I sat with the Whiskers and Leo Pet Care folks. (I became close friends with the Nicole, the owner when Duncan and I first started using their dog walking services back in 2009 and also Duncan’s dog walker Pam has become such a close friend too.) It was a fun night! Everyone wore blue. This was my third time wearing my sparkly blue Ralph Lauren dress (which was a steal at $79 at Marshalls earlier this year)…
I got to wear it to my niece’s bat mitzvah in May
13 years old to the left and 40 to the right but we both look twentysomething =)
and then to a wedding in June.
But I love it so much and since it’s blue I wore it again for the Gala.
doodle photo bomb.
Nicole and me!
Pam, Nicole and me: a.k.a. Duncan’s favorite women!
The Whiskers and Leo gang
Sweat: Saturday morning I decided to sweat out the small stuff vodka and tonic and go for a run. Just a nice easy 3 miles.
Unfortunately my groin strain was starting to bother me toward the end (the hamstring pain is gone though!). I really thought 12 days without running would have been enough but it looks like I better give it some more time. In addition to foam rolling and stretching I’m going to hit the gym for some cross training with the rowing machine on Tuesday and not sure what to do Thursday since it’s Thanksgiving. We all know it’s important to make room for the feast by exercising. If I can’t run I’ll see if the gym is open early at least and if all else fails maybe just a long walk? I wish I had a rowing machine in my house. I wish it could be attached to my sofa. Hmmm…..Invention idea? Oh yeah, and I’m officially registered for my first half marathon of 2014. I’ll be running the NYC Half Marathon on March 16th.
Sweet Sticky Situation: I had a little party to go to last night and opted to make a fruit salad to bring. I bought all the fruit at BJ’s Wholesale Club. This was the first time in my adult life that I bought a whole pineapple! Crazy right? Good thing they give instructions to show how to cut it. The Mangos came with instructions too (although I already knew how to cut those). Admittedly, even with the instructions I don’t think I cut the pineapple correctly. But it worked out. By the time I was done cutting the entire pineapple, half a watermelon and 3 mangos plus 2 pints of strawberries the entire kitchen was a sticky mess. I’m starting to see why Edible Arrangements are expensive. =) The fruit, however was so deliciously sweet! Redemption!
This morning I’m relaxing and recovering from my 2 late nights. I thought it was best to start with a nice breakfast. Say hello to my eggs, avocado, tomato, spinach and english muffin (oops muffin didn’t make the picture). (I put salt and pepper on half the eggs and gave most of the non-seasoned portion to the dog because he needs another reason to love me more. LOL. Oh and that water bottle is my watermelon infused water that I made with the leftover juice after cutting up the watermelon for the fruit salad. It’s delicious!
doodle photo bomb again
I’ve got some odds and ends to catch up with this morning. I’m cleaning out my closets (well, starting this task which will probably take until the end of the year to complete.) I did a top secret photo shoot yesterday and need to edit the pics. I’ll share some of the photos in about a month 😉
Question: Are you a pack rat or do you toss everything? Do you have an easy time parting with clothes when you clean out your closets or do you have a hard time letting go? I’m a pack rat who hates to part with my clothes.Â
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